... of passengers up to the top. Three of them were speaking Arabic with a Levantine accent, although not probably an urban one. I asked them if they were Syrian, but they answered Israelis. "From where exactly?" ...
... aloud. I thought how inappropriate of them to desecrate a place of memory with a braggart's act. But as I drew near them I saw some were wearing a kippah or an Israeli flag over their shoulders, and by ...
... Jerusalem. It usually didn’t take long until she talked about her volunteering in Israel with someone new, and it must have been like this that we discovered common ground. She was rather chuffed when ...
... out by Italian institutions and an Israeli foundation recovered the scores from the oblivion they had fallen for the last 70 years and finally put the opera on stage, in accordance to the musician’s final ...
... and down the hall.
At long last the monitors displayed that the plane had touched down. We moved to the arrivals area and placed a long-distance call to the boy’s mother in Israel. Through her brother’s ...
... formalities I enter the dorm. There are interesting characters, the first of whom is an Israeli gambler. He’s sleeping with earplugs at the moment after a whole night spent in a casino. He moans from time ...
... the substance is the same.
I got to Debark just in time to find a room before sunset and very unexpectedly managed to organise a trek there and then. I made contact with two Israelis who were nevertheless ...
... actually, they actually paid the Israelis to leave. And they used the money for making the Ark of the Covenant. Jesus was an Egyptian, they’ve found scrolls, he was actually of pharaoh descent. And it’s ...
... dei maleducati israeliani, non infrequenti da trovare, mi hanno dato motivo di lamentarmi. Non solo con i diretti responsabili, ma con la stessa padrona dello stabilimento perché essere svegliato alle ...
... la gente ci accoglie bene, è ospitale e contenta di vederci interessati. Conosciamo una signora ebrea che ci racconta della sua famiglia sparsa tra Israele e altri paesi, poi tanti bambini insistono per ...
... tende di nomadi. Prendo una zuppa di verdure e conosco Jodie, una ragazza inglese che viaggia nel mio pulman. Ci sono anche diversi israeliani, alcuni di aspetto sfatto.
Risaliamo verso il secondo passo, ...
... girl travelling in my bus, named Jodie. There are also several Israelis, a few of them of funny looks. We go up the second pass, the Lachlung La at 5,060 m, by the way of beautiful gorges, then getting ...
... guesthouse in camera di un israeliano che viaggia in moto e ci siamo incamminati sulla vasta pianura ghiaiosa verso la macchiolina del monastero. Prendiamo la scorciatoia che passa attraverso il fiume, ...
... left part of our luggage at the guesthouse in an Israeli biker's room and we set out on the vast gravely plain to the distant spot that is the monastery. We take the short way across the river, that we ...
... po' illogica, ma molto piacevole per il posticino in cui ho soggiornato e la compagnia di ieri sera.
Alle 8.3 sono a Yusufeli aspettando il pulman per Trabzon in compagnia di un israeliano che è venuto ...
... stop, a bit illogic, but memorable because of the nice guesthouse and last night's jolly company.
At 8.30 am I'm in Yusufely waiting for the bus to Trabzon in the company of an Israeli that came here ...
... israeliani, tanti. Arrivo a Barhal provato dal lungo viaggio alla deliziosa pensione di Mehmet dove il rumore delle acque scroscianti dei torrenti fa da quadro sonoro al paesaggio della stretta valle. ...
... and read. There are many Israelis in the bus.
I get to Barhal, quite exhausted after a long trip, at Mehmet's delightful guesthouse where the roaring stream waters make a sound frame to the landscape ...
This trip has come to life without much long-term planning, as a backup plan to avoid the difficulties I would have come across in Lebanon, severely battered by Israeli attacks this summer. Arrangements ...
... la colpa è tutta di Israele.
Questa giornata è stata anche occasione per ritrovare la creatività, o forse l'irrazionalità, se giudicata dai miei occhi di occidentale, del mondo arabo; comunque sia, un ...